IP catalog

If you want to achieve first time silicon success, work smarter, work with nSilition.
Thanks to our high-quality portfolio, our approach to quality and our strong partnership ecosystem, we would be pleased to help you choose the right IP solution for a full value SoC design. Our silicon proven IPs demonstrate our skills in analog design. We have a long-lasting expertise in analog-digital conversion, targeting both high-speed and low-power applications, and a particular proficiency in high-speed input-output (IO) design.
Many more IPs for time, voltage or current references, amplification, data transmission, sensor interfacing etc. complete our catalog on technologies down to 28nm CMOS. Some of our IPs aim at applications requiring particular design : radiation tolerance or automotive or military grade robustness may be targeted. You may not find the IP you are looking for on the technology you want in this extensive portfolio, but you may then request a custom IP design.
Convinced of our skills you may also deleguate us a part of the design and production of your complete ASIC.